The Government Immersion focuses on providing the Fellows an opportunity to gain exposure to the workings of the state government at the grassroots level.

Through the course of immersion, the Fellows developed a deeper understanding of government policies and interventions aimed at social empowerment and development by gaining hands-on experience working with the department at the district level.

The Mercy Mission Fellowship Program carried out a successful collaboration with the Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (RDPR), Government of Karnataka, to carry out the Government Immersion for the Fellowship batch of 2022 - ’23. The cohort 2 Fellows were dispatched to various districts and worked on the projects that were assigned to each Fellow. They had sessions before going into the field including basic guidelines of conduct in the districts and an approach for each of the fellow's projects.


As a culmination of the Immersion, the teams presented their observations and followed by a Q&A and feedback.

A glimpse into the Government Immersion Projects undertaken by Mercy Mission Fellows across various districts in Karnataka.

A Study on Gram Panchayat Libraries

A Study on the Implementation of Perspective Planning

A Study to Look at the Effectiveness of Gram Panchayat Arogya Amrutha Abhiyaana (GPAAA)

A Study on Solid Waste Management and Outmigration

A Study on Janani Suraksha Yojana and Pradhan Manthri Matru Vandana Yojana and Child Marriages.

A Study to Assess The Effective Inclusion of Migrant Population

A Study on out of School Children and Documentation of Work done by PRIs

Impact Study on Koosina Mane (Creches)

Impact Study of Gram Arogya

Mercy Mission is non profit registered association under Karnataka Societies Act Reg No: DRB2/SOR/173/2020-2021