Application and Qualification

Who is eligible for the Program?

The Mercy Mission Fellowship is designed for young individuals who are passionate, motivated, socially conscious, driven and display a credible level of commitment and work ethic. While Mercy Mission is not looking for the best grades, perfect resumes, or already well-developed leaders, the selection process is rigorous to uphold the significance of social service and the core ethos.

The Fellowship is open to young graduates/postgraduates who meet the following criteria:

  • Between the ages of 20-28 years
  • Have prior experience volunteering or working in the social sector space
  • Possess a deep curiosity to learn about the social sector and want to contribute to a better society.
  • Having designed or led initiative/s that created a direct impact on-ground
  • Are Willing to travel outside of Bengaluru city on projects/assignments as part of the Fellowship Program.

Students from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities who fulfilling the above criteria are encouraged to apply.

What are the documents required to present prior to my appointment?

The Fellow is required to furnish authentic details and documents at the start of the Fellowship. The documents required are: 10th Final Marks Card, Degree Certificate, An ID Proof and Address Proof (Aadhaar, Passport, or PAN), Recommendation and experience letters in case of work experience.

What steps are involved in the Application Process?

Level 1 - A Written Application form capturing details on Qualifications, Family Background, Extracurricular, Volunteering Work, Certifications and a Statement of Purpose.

Level 2 - Online Assignment: An enquiry-based approach to address existing social dilemmas. This will consist of Case Studies and reflections.

Level 3 - Group Assessment: General Discussions and Group Activities.

Level 4 - Face to Face Interviews with an Expert panel.

What does Mercy Mission look for in a potential candidate?

  • Commitment to Social Change - A clear sense of purpose and courage to pursue lasting and meaningful change
  • Readiness to evolve and develop as a thinking and caring individual
  • Interest in learning from and engaging with different perspectives and experiences from across a range of contexts, and a willingness to navigate the challenges and opportunities inherent in complexity and diversity.
  • A focused agenda and plan to use the knowledge and skills gained from the Fellowship to contribute and empower communities.

What kind of qualification will I get when completing the course?

The Fellowship Program will strengthen your foothold in the Social Sector Space and you will receive a certificate of completion that will be issued to participants who complete the Fellowship successfully.

Conduct and Structure

What is the duration of the Fellowship Program?

The duration of involvement of the Fellows with the Program is 9 months, starting Typically in October/November.

Is this a full-time Program?

The Mercy Mission Fellowship Program is an experiential learning and exposure Program that requires the Fellows’ physical presence. We mandate a full-time commitment from the Fellows meaning they cannot be involved with any other business, occupation, activity or studies while he/she is part of the Fellowship.

What is the batch size?

We are looking to take in a diverse group of 18-20 Fellows for the upcoming batch.

Is there a stipend/sponsorship?

A monthly stipend of INR 15,000 will be disbursed on the 5th of every month for the duration of the program. All daily commute expenses to the venues and NGOs are to be borne by the Fellow. All additional project-related expenses and travel will be borne by the partner NGOs and Mercy Mission Fellowship team.
*Income tax will be levied as applicable.

Is HRA offered for the duration of the Programme?

Fellows coming from cities outside of Bangalore will receive a HRA amount of Rs 4000.

What are the components of the Program?

The Fellowship has 6 major components: Induction, Govt Immersion, Field Immersion, learning sessions, MOOC & Mentoring. Check out our components page to know more.

What is a typical day at the Program like?

This depends on the phase of the Program the Fellows are involved in at the time. During Field Immersion, the Fellows must diligently pursue their projects and conform to the rules of the organisations they engage with. For the rest of the time, the Fellow is expected to report to the Fellowship Team and participate in all the learning sessions/events organised by the Program Team. These sessions play a pivotal role in enhancing your skills and experience as a Fellow.

What happens if I drop out of the Program before graduation?

Dropping out of the Fellowship before the official end of term will make the Fellow liable to repay one month’s stipend amount and no certificate will be given.


Will I need a laptop?

You will need a laptop to carry out assignments and projects. We require that you bring your own devices. However, we will provide a laptop in exceptional cases where a Fellow does not have access to one.

How many days will I be expected to travel?

This will be entirely based on the Field Immersion project assigned to the Fellow. Accommodation, travel and other project-related costs will be borne by the Fellowship Team/NGOs.

How many days a month will I have to report to the Program?

Apart from public holidays which will be announced beforehand, full attendance without any unauthorized absence for the duration of the Fellowship is a mandate. In case of a requirement for leave, a request letter must be sent to the Fellowship Program Coordinator in advance. A maximum of one day of authorized leave per month is permissible. In case of an emergency, the case would be reviewed by the Program Team and approved accordingly.

What are the documents required to present prior to my appointment?

The Fellow is required to furnish authentic details and documents at the start of the Fellowship. Documents required are: your 10th Final Marks Card, your Degree Certificate, an ID Proof and Address Proof (Aadhaar, Passport or PAN), recommendation and experience letters in case of work experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mercy Mission Fellowship Program?

Mercy Mission is non profit registered association under Karnataka Societies Act Reg No: DRB2/SOR/173/2020-2021